# MoviesQuoteBot ## DISCLAIMER > THIS BOT IS A **PROOF OF CONCEPT** THAT NEEDED TO BE CODED WAY TOO QUICKLY TO IMPLEMENT **ANY KIND OF UNIT TESTS**. IT HASN'T BEEN TESTED CORRECTLY AND THEREFORE SHOULD ***NEVER BE USED IN PRODUCTION***. > MOREOVER, THIS CODE IS **VERY CURSED**. ***EWW***. DON'T LOOK AT IT. JUST DON'T. ## Invite link If you feel brave enough, you can invite this bot [here](https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=771477005438287882&permissions=2147863616&scope=bot). It is totally transparent and doesn't track any data, and doesn't share anything with anyone except a lonely database full of movie quotes. If you have any question, feel free to open an issue. ## Issues & contributions Please don't hesitate to create issues if you find bugs, there should be plenty.